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Muktainagar Taluka Education Society’s
Shrimati Godavaribai Ganpatrao Khadse College, Muktainagar
Affiliated to Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon
AiSHE Code- C-8910 | ISO Certified | “A” Accredited in Academic Audit of KBCNMU, Jalgaon | 32 Years in Service of Nation
About Society
Vision & Mission
Teaching Staff
Non-Teaching Staff
About Admission
Research Cell
Research Guide
Research Project
Ph.D.pursuing/Awarded Students
Research Center
Research Publication
Book Publication
RAC (Research Advisiory Committee)
About IQAC
IQAC Goals
About NAAC
NAAC Documents
Student Corner
Time Table
Academic Calender
Previous year Q.P.
Question Bank
Important Notices
Admission form
Bonafide form
Library form
NSS Admission
TC form
Earn & learn Scheme
Arthik Durbal Scheme
Grievances and redressal from
Internal Evaluation
Certificate Course admission form
Alumni Formation and Policy
Alumni Registration Form
Alumni Feedback
NAAC Documents
SSR - 2023-24
NAAC Criterian
Extended-Profile : Documents
Extended - Profile - Documents
Demo Link
Criterion-1 : Curricular Aspects
1.1 - Curricular Planning and Implementation
1.1.1 A - Identification of different learning levels
1.1.1 B - Academic calendar and teaching plans
1.1.1 C - Teaching methedologies adopted
1.1.1 D - ICT enabled teaching
1.1.1 E - Continuous internal evaluation
1.1.1 F - Annual Feedback Report
1.2 - Academic Flexibility
1.2.1 A - Certificate admission notice
1.2.1 B - List of students admitted to certificate courses
1.2.1 C - Assessment of certificate courses
1.2.1 D - Certificate course completion certificate
1.2.2 - Admitted students list for certificate courses
1.3 - Curriculum Enrichment
1.3.1 A - List of cross cutting issues
1.3.1 B - Gender sensitization activities
1.3.1 C - Environment and Sustainability in the Curriculum
1.3.1 D - Activities on Development of Creative and Divergent Competencies
1.3.2 E - Students undertaking project work/field work 2022-23
1.3.2 A - Students undertaking project work/field work 2018-19
1.3.2 B - Students undertaking project work/field work 2019-20
1.3.2 C - Students undertaking project work/field work 2020-21
1.3.2 D - Students undertaking project work/field work 2021-22
1.4 - Feedback System
1.4.1 A - Feedback Report
1.4.1 B - Feedback forms
1.4.1 C - Action Taken Report
1.4.1 D - Feedback Links
Criterion-2 : Teaching- Learning and Evaluation
2.1 - Student Enrolment and Profile
2.1.1 A - HEI Letter
2.1.1 B - Sanctioned Seats year wise during last five years
2.1.1 C - Affiliation Letter
2.1.2 A - Final admission list indicating the category as published by the HEI and endorsed by the competent authority
2.1.2 B - Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI/ State Govt
2.2 - Student Teacher Ratio
2.2.1 - Full time teacher list
2.3 - Teaching-Learning Process
2.3.1 - Methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences and teachers use ICT- enabled tools including online resources for effective teaching and learning process
2.4 - Teacher Profile and Quality
2.4.1 Sanction letters indicating number of posts sanctioned by the competent authority
2.4.2 Number of full time teachers with NET/SET/SLET/Ph. D./ D.Sc. / D.Litt./L.L.D year wise during the last five years
2.5 - Evaluation Process and Reforms
2.5 A - Academic Calendar
2.5 C - Role of Internal Examination Committee
2.5 D - Communication with students
2.5 E - Redressal Mechanism
2.5 B - Adoption of CBCS pattern
2.6 - Student Performance and Learning Outcome
2.6.1 A - Programme Outcomes (POs) and Course Outcomes (COs) for all Programmes offered by the institution
2.6.1 B - Orientation programs for students
2.6.1 C - List of addon courses
2.6.1 D - Faculty involvement in syllabus framing
2.6.2 A - Evaluation and assessment method
2.6.2 B Attianment
2.6.2 C - University rank holders
2.6.3 University result
2.7 - Student Satisfaction Survey
Criterion-3 : Research Innovations and Extension
3.1 - Resource Mobilization for Research
3.1.1 - Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies for research projects in the institution during last five years
3.2 - Innovation Ecosystem
3.2.1 - Ecosystem for innovations, IKS, IPR, Incubation centrer and other initiatives
3.2.2 - workshops/seminars/conferences including on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and entrepreneurship conducted during the last five years
3.3 - Research Publication and Awards
3.3.1 A - Link to the uploaded papers, the first page/full paper on institutional website
3.3.1 B - Link to re-directing to journal source-cite website in case of digital journals
3.3.1 C - Links to the papers published in journals listed in UGC CARE list
3.3.2 A - List of chapter/book along with the links redirecting to the source website
3.3.2 B - Cover page, content page and first page of the publication indicating ISBN number and year of publication for books/chapters
3.4 - Extension Activities
3.4.1 - Extension activities in the neighborhood community in terms of impact and sensitizing the students to social issues for their holistic development during the last five years
3.4.2 - Awards and recognitions received for extension activities from government / government recognised bodies
3.4.3 A - Extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution through organized forums including NSS/NCC with involvement of community during the last five years
3.4.3 B - Report for each extension and outreach program
3.5 - Collaboration
3.5.1 A - Summary of the functional MoUs/linkage/collaboration indicating start date, end date, nature of collaboration
3.5.1 B - List of year wise activities and exchange
3.5.1 C - List and documents indicating the functional MoUs/linkage/collaborations activity wise and year-wise
Criterion-4 : Infrastructure and Learning Resources
4.1 - Physical Facilities
4.1.1 A - Physical Infrastructure
4.1.1 C - Central Library
4.1.1 D - Support Facilities
4.1.1 E - Other
4.1.1 B - ICT Facilities
4.2 - Library as a learning Resource
4.2.1 - Library as a learning resource
4.3 - IT Infrastructure
4.3.1 B - Proofs of ICT
4.3.1 A - ICT Facilities
4.4 - Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure
4.4.1 A - Physical facilities and academic support facilities
4.4.1 B - Maintenance AMC
4.4.1 C - Audited Statements
Criterion-5 : Student Support and Progression
5.1 - Student Support
5.1.1 A Students benifited by scholarships and freeships
5.1.1 B - Sanction letter of scholarship and freeships
5.1.1 C - Policy of Scholarships and Freeships
5.1.2 A - Capacity development and skills enhancement activities
5.1.2 B - Capacity development and skills enhancement activities - Awareness of trends in technology
5.1.3 - Students benefitted by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling
5.1.4 A - Organisation wide awareness and undertakings on policies with zero tolerance
5.1.4 B - Online offline grievances
5.1.4 C - Activity reports of the Sexual Harassment and Anti-Ragging committee
5.1.4 E - Annual report of the committee monitoring the activities and grievances
5.1.4 D Details of statutory/regulatory Committees
5.2 - Student Progression
5.2.1 - Placement of outgoing students during last five years
5.2.1 A - List of students going for higher education 2022-23
5.2.1 C - List of students going for higher education 2020-21
5.2.1 D - List of students going for higher education 2019-20
5.2.1 E - List of students going for higher education 2018-19
5.2.1 B - List of students going for higher education 2021-22
5.2.2 - Students qualifying in state/ national/ international level examination
5.3 - Student Participation and Activities
5.3.1 A - Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at university/state/national / international level 2022-23
5.3.1 A - Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at university/state/national / international level 2021-22
5.3.1 A - Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at university/state/national / international level 2020-21
5.3.1 A - Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at university/state/national / international level 2019-20
5.3.1 A - Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at university/state/national / international level 2018-19
5.3.1 B - List of students with Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at university/state/national / international level
5.3.2 Average number of sports and cultural programs in which students of the Institution participated during last five years
5.4 - Alumni Engagement
5.4 - Alumni Engagement
Criterion-6 : Governance Leadership and Management
6.1 - Institutional Vision and Leadership
6.1.1 A - Vision and Mission
6.1.1 B - General Governing Body
6.1.1 C - College Development Committee
6.1.1 D - IQAC
6.1.1 E - Academic Calendar of the Institute
6.1.1 F - Academic Committees in the Colleg
6.1.1 G - NSS
6.1.1 H - Student Welfare
6.1.1 I - Muktainagar Taluka Education Society
6.1.1 J - About College
6.1.1 K - Institutional Organogram
6.1.1 L - IQAC Formation (Composition) Notification
6.1.1 M - Orientation on National Education Policy 2020
6.2 - Strategy Development and Deployment
6.2.1 A - General Governing Body
6.2.1 B - CDC
6.2.1 C - IQAC
6.2.1 D - Perspective Plan
6.2.1 E - College Committees
6.2.1 F - NSS
6.2.1 G - Student Welfare
6.2.1 H - Sports
6.2.1 I - Academic Calendars
6.2.1 J - MoU's
6.2.2 K - Vision and Mission
6.2.1 L - Audit Statements
6.2.1 M - Organogram
6.2.1 N - Admission Prospectus
6.2.1 O - College ERP
6.3 - Faculty Empowerment Strategies
6.3.1 A - Welfare Measures for Teaching and Non-teaching Staff
6.3.2 - Financial support to staff
6.3.3 - Staff participation in FDP/MDP
6.4 - Financial Management and Resource Mobilization
6.4.1 A - IQAC Meeting Minutes
6.4.1 B - Audit statements for last five years
6.5 - Internal Quality Assurance System
6.5.1 Annual Reports
6.5.2 - IQAC Meeting Minutes
6.5.2 - List of Collaborative quality initiatives with other institutions
Criterion-7 : Institutional Values and Best Practices
7.1 - Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities
7.1.1 A - Committee for safety
7.1.1 B-Safety and Security
7.1.1 C-Facilities in Campus
7.1.1 D- RO Drinking water and other facilities
7.1.1 E- Activities conducted for promotion of Gender Equity
7.1.2 A - Facilities and initiatives for Alternate sources of energy and energy conservation
7.1.2 A - Facilities and initiatives for Alternate sources of energy and energy conservation bills
7.1.2 B - Management of the various types of degradable and nondegradable waste
7.1.2 B Management of the various types of degradable and nondegradable waste Policy
7.1.2 C - Water conservation measures
7.1.2 D - Green campus initiatives
7.1.2 E - Disabled-friendly, barrier free environment
7.1.3 A - Quality audits on environment and energy Green audit / Environment audit
7.1.3 B - Energy audit
7.1.3 C - Clean and green campus initiatives
7.1.3 D - Beyond the campus environmental promotion activities
7.1.4 - Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing an inclusive environment
7.2 - Best Practices
Institutional Best Practices
7.3 - Institutional Distinctiveness
7.3.1 Institutional Distinctiveness
IIQA - Document